
Become a Volunteer

The work of the Family Life Resource Centre depends on volunteers for the delivery of its services. Our support groups are all facilitated by volunteers who themselves have been through the groups or similar experience. We call our service the 'like-to-like' model.

Why do volunteers do this work? There are many reasons e.g. to make a difference, to help others, to give something back, because of personal experience, to donate professional skills, to get to know a new neighbourhood, to be part of a team, to get out of the house, to be an agent for change etc. The list of reasons is endless. The personal satisfaction one gets from this work is fantastic. Your life experience is a very valuable tool in volunteering. We have many different areas of interest that might appeal to you.  Bereavement and our FEAD program to name a few.

Can you afford a few hours a term to contribute to your community and enhance the lives of others? Training is provided and support and companionship guaranteed. We understand people are busy now with their work lives and family life but volunteering gives a self-fulfilment to you as a person and a great example to your children of the importance of others and of the local community.

Find out more...

If you wish to volunteer at the Centre please call us on 071 96 3000 or email us on info@boylefrc.ie and request a Volunteer Pack.