What's On?

Autumn/Winter 2021 Schedule is HERE!

Our Autmn/Winter (September - December 2021) Brochure is available. 

Click HERE to view the brochure. 


A message from our Board and Staff on our Autumn/ Winter programme of Activities for 2021 
The start of 2021, was not the year any of us had hoped or wished for with further restrictions and  changes to our services.  At Boyle FRC we continued to meet the needs of our community by being available over the phone, delivering programmes such as parenting courses online, weekly distribution of food packages to those in need or our Counselling services via zoom and phone.
While 2021 continued to be a year of uncertainty and change, the flexibility and commitment of our Staff, Volunteers and Community remained unchanged and we are grateful to each and every one of you.
As we step into Autumn, we are cautiously making plans on the programmes and services we hope to offer.  We are looking at blended options where possible to allow for Face to Face and online learning simultaneously.  At all times we will adhere to Public Health guidelines and keep the safety and well-being of our community to the fore. In 2021, we worked to secure funding through Roscommon County Council, Community Foundation of Ireland Comic Relief, Mitigating against Educational   Disadvantage Fund and Healthy Roscommon CYPSC.   These funds will allow us to  upgrade spaces to make our Centre more accessible within the COVID 19 regulations through outdoor space, blended learning or toolkits for well-being.  We are extremely grateful to these funders and indeed all our funders for supporting the work of our Centre and allowing us to further grow and develop. We look forward to continuing our work in  supporting you and our community.

COVID-19 Regulations

Boyle Family Resource Centre have had to implement a number of changes with how our programs and services are delivered due to the Guidelines issued by the Government with regard to COVID-19. These can change at any time in line with Public Health Advice - Please check with us. We are offering blended learning for many of our courses. Please look at the brochure for more details or contact us on the number/email below. 
Telephone: 071 96 63000
Email: Info@boylefrc.ie


Calendar of Events

Have a look through our calendar below to see what events and courses are planned over the coming months. Click on an event title for more information. Some of these course will be offered through blended learning (please read description). Some of our programs & courses have to be booked in advance. Please don't hesitate to contact the centre on 071 966 3000 if you have a question or would like to book in.